3 Tips on Getting The Most Out of LinkedIn


LinkedIn is typically thought of as a social media network where job seekers and employers come together. While that's certainly one of the purposes the site was designed for, it's also quite useful as a marketing tool. However, LinkedIn has its own set of rules, and its own way of doing things. So, before you decide to start splashing around and hoping to get results, keep the following tips in mind.

Tip #1: Make It Visually Pop

A picture is worth a thousand words, as the old saying goes, and this is more true than ever before in the social media age. If you're going to put up content on LinkedIn, then that content needs to be truly eye-catching. The best way to do that is to include lots of visual elements, according to Social Media Examiner. Rich photos, attention-grabbing video, charts, etc. can all work... just make sure that it draws the eye, and makes viewers want to know more.

Tip #2: Use The Advanced Applications

If you go to your LinkedIn profile page, you'll see an option labeled applications. Click it, and look around at all the options you have. Not all of them will apply to you and your marketing needs, but they represent a wide variety of tools you might be able to make use of, as Lewis Howes points out. Anything that get your message in front of your potential audience is a tool you can't afford to overlook.

Tip #3: Optimize Your Company Page (To Show Up In More Searches)

You might be the best there is in the business, but people still need to be able to find you. That's why LinkedIn recommends you make your page as search-friendly as possible. That means you should have appropriate keywords in your descriptions and titles, that you regularly post content targeted to your industry, and most importantly that you have all your contact information front and center (including a link to your business's home page). The louder you declare who you are and what you do, the more likely you are to be approached.

These are just a few, simple things you can do to increase your results from LinkedIn. For more social media advice, simply contact us today!