Top Social Media Tips For Small Businesses in 2022

Nowadays, social media is an essential part of any business. No matter your size or sector, making

sure that you are engaging with both existing and potential customers online can transform your


However, we know how confusing the ever-changing world of social media can seem. That is why we

have put together our top tips to help you maximize your reach and engage even more followers.

1) Set your goals

One of the first things you should do is to set the goals you want to achieve. Whether it is

reaching a certain number of followers, maintaining a strong engagement rate, or driving

more web traffic, a clear goal will keep you focused and enhance your overall strategy.

2) Plan your content

The worst thing any small business can do is simply post for the sake of it. Developing a clear

content plan that has been designed around your audience will help you to get a clear vision

of how the coming weeks and months will look. In turn, this will allow you to create more

engaging strategies that tie in with your overall marketing plan.

3) Be relatable

With so many brands and individuals vying for space on people’s timelines, empathy and

relatability are going to be crucial in 2022. Tailoring your content to speak directly with your

audience and engage their primal emotions will help ensure you continue to stand out from

the crowd.

4) Utilize user-generated content

Another top tip is to ensure that you are utilizing content that your customers are making.

Sharing their content helps to develop your community and showcase your products and

services in the real world.

Need help with your social media?

Do you need help managing your social media channels? For over a decade, here at Realtime

Outsource, we have been supporting businesses just like yours to transform their digital presence.

Want to find out more? Get in touch today!