4 Effective Social Media Tips For 2021


This year marks the first full year after the COVID-19 pandemic forced the globe into digital marketing. Is your business or brand ready to respond to the need for high-performing digital content? Your success may depend on how well you are using your digital presence!


Whether you are an individual running a personal account or you are in charge of digital marketing for a business, follow these tips to supercharge your social media this year!

1. Know Your Platforms & Use Them Strategically


The past few years have seen the rise of social media platforms for nearly every type of user. From image-based social media (Instagram, Snapchat, and Pinterest) to the video-centric social media platforms (TikTok, YouTube) to news media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Reddit), there are more social media platforms than you can keep track of!


Invest time into researching which platforms are best for your needs, and focus your energies on creating engaging content on those channels. This will help avoid social media burnout and see the highest ROI on your time and investment.

2. Invest In Paid Advertising

Social media has quickly grown to become one of the most effective advertising channels.


With so many consumers making purchasing decisions through ads they see on social media, you should be investing marketing money into social media ads. Combine your advertising with high-quality content and watch your traffic soar.

3. Get Creative With Your Content

Social media algorithms reward content that users engage with. With video and photography continuing to lead the way, make sure that your accounts are engaging with users. If you find that a particular post style isn’t seeing any traction, switch it up and try another type of media. Stay consistent, and keep your posts varied.

4. Give Your Social Media A Personality

Have you seen the big brand social media accounts that have gone viral for their funny, snarky responses with users? While there is great danger that comes with going too wild with your social media, don’t be afraid to engage with your users.


Create fun content, and use social media channels such as Instagram Stories and Reels to engage with your audience. Build polls, create giveaways, and encourage conversation on your posts to see your content reach a wider audience.

Don’t Forget To Have Fun With Social Media

There are plenty of ways that you can quickly build an engaged follower base on social media. The tips above are easy ways to see your ROI climb in 2021 and can be done starting today!


While you are at it, remember to have fun. Running social media can feel overwhelming and constant - so don’t forget why it exists in the first place - to bring people together in the digital community.


Keep the positive purpose of your social media in front of you, align your strategy to meet the needs of your audience, and watch your success skyrocket!

5 Simple & Effective Strategies to increasing traffic to your website


Besides increasing the number of customers of a company, marketers work hard to fulfill another of the most important objectives: to drive traffic to a website.


In an increasingly digital age, having an online presence is essential. Therefore, it must become one of the main goals of any Internet business.


But how can we increase traffic to our websites? Well, there are many ways of doing it. Let's get to know some of them!


Lean on advertising.


Yes, it is obvious, but many people forget that paid search, display advertising, and social media advertising are great ways to drive visitors to a website.


This way, one of the things you can do to increase your site traffic is to adjust your paid marketing strategies to suit those goals.


Take a careful look at each payment channel and choose the one that can help you gain traffic.


Pay attention to the SEO of the page.


With so many sites fighting for the top positions in search engine results, you can't forget about SEO if you want your website to gain traffic.


Even after so long, search engines' content optimization is still a valuable practice, especially when online businesses want to be successful.


Analyze if your site is meeting the SEO criteria and work to increase your organic traffic!


Write outstanding and irresistible headlines.


Headlines are one of the most important elements not only of content but of your site as such.


Even if your blog post is very comprehensive, an unconvincing headline will make it go unnoticed.


Mastering the art of headlines takes time, but it can be fruitful. Did you know that the writers of the most popular sites on the Internet write at least twenty headlines before choosing the one that will generate the most traffic?


In other words, you should think carefully about the title of your post before hitting "post."


Work on long-tail keywords.


Many people believe that all SEO work ends with high-intent keywords, but that is not the reality.


In addition to popular keywords, you should also target long-tail keywords.


Long-tail keywords account for a large percentage of web searches. That means that you are missing out on many benefits if you do not include them in your strategies.


Diversify your marketing strategies.


Yes, we have evolved a lot! And this includes marketing actions. But there are still many traditional methods that can work very well to help us achieve our goals.


If you want to drive traffic to your site, don't focus solely on content marketing. Other techniques like email marketing can be powerful.


A friendly, non-invasive reminder via email can help boost your site visitor numbers.


Final thoughts.


All of these are ways to increase your website traffic quickly, even if you decide to do it on your own. And do you know what the best part is? There's still more!


Keep reading our posts and discover more tips to be successful in the virtual world!

Do-it-yourself Organic SEO tips anyone can Follow


SEO, which stands for Search Engine Optimization, has become one of the most useful techniques and tools for succeeding online.


However, putting SEO strategies into practice takes time and money.


Do you want to take advantage of all its benefits and save? It's entirely possible! To do so, you only have to follow these tips.


Research the master keyword.


A strong and successful SEO program starts with keyword research. In this way, you will know the words and phrases of the real searchers, understand which ones to target, and calculate the demand for your products.


Never assume that you know what consumers want and how they search. Use keyword tools to investigate it.


Some of them offer a demand score for each topic, making them the perfect ally to know what to do to attract traffic.


Understand your competition


Another step you must take to make your SEO strategy work is to identify organic search competitors.


It not only refers to sites that sell exact products and services but also to informational sites or any other site that competes for the same phrases.


Discover what they are doing well in organic search to get good results or what content topics they include that you are not.


You can also analyze their sites to understand their structure and how they target valuable keywords or attract buyers.


Produce regular content


Regular content adapted to your audience will be another of your best allies to achieve success.


You don't need to post a new blog every day - this is unrealistic, actually.


You should only post unique content at least once a month or a week and be consistent. Yes, consistency is the key.


It is also important to remember that the content does not only refer to the text. You can also use photos, videos, illustrations, or any other content that helps Internet users find something valuable.


Do keyword mapping


After knowing what your potential customers or readers want and the phrases they usually use in their searches, the next thing you should do is to assign keywords to each page of your site. This action is known as keyword mapping.


You can start by creating a spreadsheet of all the crucial pages in your site's navigation and assign unique primary and secondary keywords to each.


And, of course, create new pages for unassigned high-value keywords.


It is also essential to use long-tail keywords. They generate fewer searches, but they can significantly benefit your site.


Optimize your site


Your keywords map will also help you optimize your site, which is also essential for SEO.


Update the existing content on your site to include the keywords and create new pages for the unassigned keywords, including graphics, videos, and text on them.


You can also create a keyword-rich content section like an educational portal, a forum (if you know how to use keywords in them), or a blog.


Final thoughts


Putting SEO techniques and strategies into practice takes time and knowledge, but you can do it yourself by following these tips.


It can help you save money, especially if you are just starting in the online business world!

How to Increase Pinterest Followers Organically

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Pinterest has consistently managed to remain one of the best-performing image board websites in the world. This has in turn helped it retain its dominance as a social media outlet to help grow brands, increase engagement, increase traffic, build leads, and, most importantly, generate conversions. Take in the following statistics, for example: 98% of Pinterest users report having tried something they ran into on Pinterest, and Pinterest is responsible for 8% of referral traffic across the web.

It’s only natural, then, that growing your Pinterest following, either organically or once you buy Pinterest followers is in your best interest. In this case, we’ll explore three amazing ways of increasing that following organically.

Do Research on Keywords and Hashtags that Work

This is a tried, tested and cemented method that applies not only to Pinterest, but marketing content in general. Every industry has a set of keywords that perform best within their particular niches. Certain keywords naturally occur within certain contexts, for instance ‘torque’ and ‘cars’ or ‘SEO’ and ‘content marketing.’ Yours shouldn’t be any different.

There are tons of tools online that will help you narrow down on keywords that are popular with users. Either that or visit your well-performing competitors and take note of phrases or words that seem to occur repeatedly. Hashtags also work to the same effect.

Post Original Images

Like most of the internet today (and much of the internet before it to be honest, just not as obvious), Pinterest runs on algorithms – dozens of them. All these algorithms are obviously proprietary, so we can’t exactly peer into the code to know what they prioritize and what they don’t. Except, we can make very approximate guesses. One such guess is to post as much original content as possible, just not too fast.

Pinterest favors accounts that post original content that much we’re sure of. The best way to take advantage of this feature is to regularly post original content that your follower are likely to appreciate. To avoid overloading them with too much content at once, use scheduling tools to spread out the release dates. It doesn’t hurt to repin content after all.

Be Active on Pinterest

This final tip concerns attracting visitors rather than the Pinterest algorithm: comment, pin, and tag on pins. The more you do, the more likely someone is to run into your account when browsing similar content, and, by extension, the more likely they are to follow your account. Think of it as establishing yourself as an influential authority.

The Benefits of Doing SEO For A Business

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What does an SEO do?

As a specialist in search engine optimization (SEO) you can significantly improve rankings on any of the major search engines, like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

This expertise ensures that the user that visits your websites will receive a positive experience. With the help of on-page optimization, you can produce more relevant search results, along with increasing website traffic, brand awareness, and leads.

Why do businesses need SEO?

First of all, SEO is constructed from several different pieces, therefore getting to know what they mean and how they perform is vital to understanding why it is so important. In other words, SEO is crucial because it will put your website out there and make it more visible, meaning more traffic and far more opportunities for converting existing prospects into real customers.

SEO Builds Credibility & Trust 

It’s very simple, well-established businesses use the trust to attract new clients and keep the old ones. Because people look for someone they can trust, by ranking higher within search engines your business will get exactly that. You will automatically look more reliable to your audience and credibility will no longer be an issue in their eyes.

SEO Builds Brand Equity

If we put conversions aside, with SEO you will get highly increased equity. Meaning, people will become far more aware of your brand than they were before.

SEO Brings Profits

Is SEO profitable? It is like asking “Is fire hot?”. Of course, SEO is profitable. How it cannot be when whole industries depend and rely on it. If you have the right approach and you know how to generate an organic lead, you will show your prospects that you can eat your cat food. When you start with SEO and feel the positive changes there is no turning back from there.

SEO is Crucial For Small Business

Time is valuable, especially in SEO. The longer your investment in SEO is delayed, the longer it will take to garner free traffic for your business, especially if you are starting fresh and small. The sooner you put your resources in a thriving SEO campaign the better the asset you are creating in long term. Therefore, you are not building SEO on top of your business, but you are building the business itself.

Is SEO easy to learn?

SEO is not impossible to learn, but it is insanely time-consuming. Probably the smartest thing to do is to hire some professional agency to take care of that part. In this way you will leave everything in the hands of experts and everyone will do what they know best.

5 Ways to Incorporate Social Media Into Your Business


Social media has gained importance over the years. Every day, people join the different platforms to share what they’re doing, who they’re with or to enjoy the content.


Besides being a place to share nice pictures, social media is also a way to make your business grow.


However, many people don’t know how to use it for entrepreneurial purposes.


In this article, we will discuss 5 ways to incorporate social media into your business. We’ll give you simple actionable steps you can follow to make your entrepreneurship skills grow by using these platforms.


Let’s start!


  1. Create a strategy


Having social media seems fun, but to incorporate them into your business plan, you need to have a specific strategy.


In social media, having a strategy involves knowing how many times you should post per week or day, at what time you’ll post, how you’re going to promote posts and much more.


If you don’t have a strategy, you’ll risk failure. You need to have a specific plan to guide your steps.


  1. Don’t be impulsive


A key aspect of managing social media is to be patient. You need to understand social media accounts take time to grow.


Besides, you should stick to your original plan for some time before changing it. In other words, if something doesn’t work, instead of drastically dropping everything, try to determine what went wrong before deciding your next step.


Likewise, you need to act thoughtfully every time you make a choice. You can’t follow everyone you want, and there are some specific actions you should stay away from (like spamming, follow/unfollow, etc).


Social media management takes time and energy. Remember to be patient when you start incorporating it into your business.


  1. Collaborate with other people who belong in your niche


Your niche is the specific market segment you’ll be targeting.


Clearly, your business isn’t the only one in the world that’s going to target said population. Thus, to succeed at your business’s social media strategy, you should partner with other people who also belong in your niche.


If they have the experience, they can help you grow and expose you to the population you want to target.


  1. Hire a specialist


If you’re a beginner in the social media world, you should hire a specialist to help you design the content and strategy you want for your business.


Even though social media looks easy, it takes hard work and professionalism to get very good results.


Many businesses have a full team that takes care of their social media.


If you have a small business, you could hire a specialist consultant that guides you through some strategies. You could also take courses to learn how to do everything yourself.


  1. Promote


If you want to incorporate social media into your business, you’ll need to design promotion campaigns.


To do this, you’ll need to get familiar with the promotion settings and the way to make an ad that works.


You could also hire a specialist to make sure you do everything right. However, the most important part is that the ad reaches your niche.


Final thoughts


Incorporating social media into your strategy isn’t an overnight success, but it can make your company grow.


Thus, follow our 5 ways to incorporate social media into your business and you’ll be on the right path to success!



8 Writing Tips on How to Convert Social Media Followers into Customers


Guest Blogger - Jessica Fender - Featured on Forbes, AMA Boston, HR Exchange Network Connect: Twitter | LinkedIn

The vast majority of modern business owners have a good understanding of how important it is to grow social media presence. They invest in content production and grow their following organically. The only problem is that not many of them know how to convert followers into customers.

Have you faced the same problem? Have you already gained a few thousand followers but failed to increase sales? Use the following eight tips to get your followers to buy from you.

Show your customers that you value their opinions

Your customers want to feel valued and special. They want to be heard. Keep that in mind, when writing tweets and Instagram captions. Try to convince your customers that you value their opinions and that you are ready to accept feedback, both positive and negative.

Here is an example of how a world-known brand pursues its customers that their opinion matters.

Delta Air Lines recently announced that it extends the middle seat block to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In order to tap into customer loyalty, Delta started its tweet with the phrase, “you asked, we listened.” This simple phrase made customers feel truly valued and influenced customer purchasing behavior. 


Speak your customers’ language

Who is your target audience? Where do your customers live? What lifestyles do they have? Whom do they follow on social media? Learn more about your customers to understand how to communicate with them the right way.

If you sell luxury goods and target baby boomers, you should use formal language. But if you sell affordable goods and target Millennials and Generation Z, you should stick to informal language.

Whatever niche you operate in, you should speak your customers’ language. If you see that your followers use shortened words, acronyms, and jargon, you should do the same.

Take a look at American Eagles’ posts on Instagram. Captions are written with the use of initialisms like BFFs (best friends forever) and symbols like “&”. This writing style perfectly appeals to the American Eagle’s followers and helps to make big sales.


Add call to action

If you want your social media followers to complete a specific action, ask them for that! Add a call to action to your captions, and you will skyrocket your sales. Ask your followers to “tap to shop”, “click the link in the bio”, “shop today to get a discount”, or perform similar actions, and you will be amazed at the results.

Can’t come up with a suitable call to action? Take a look at your competitors’ social media posts and analyze the phrases they are using. If it doesn’t help, search for inspiration on the writing service or get help from freelance social media marketers.


Keep it short, simple, and straight to the point

Modern users have a short attention span. So don’t expect them to read long, boring, and sophisticated posts.

If you want to convert your social media followers into customers, don’t publish detailed product descriptions along with product photos. Keep your tweets and captions brief – encourage users to visit your website to learn more about your products.

Also, don’t use rarely-used words and don’t overload posts with too many details and ideas. It will distract your followers from the key message you are trying to deliver.



Consider using idioms

Some content creators get the phrase “keep it simple” absolutely wrong. They try too hard to simplify their writing and, as a result, create captions that sound like they were written by six years old.

Your key task is to make your posts understandable for your audience. If your followers can read and understand complex texts, there is no need to oversimplify your writing.

If you know that 90% of your followers are fluent in English, feel free to use idioms and idiomatic expressions. It will enrich your writing and help you to engage your target audience.


Don’t skip editing and proofreading

You should never publish a new piece of content before checking its correctness.

Even one misspelled word or one poorly-structured sentence can distort the message you want to deliver and hurt your reputation. For this reason, you should edit and proofread every caption, tweet, and comment meticulously. You should ensure that your customers will get your brand message right.

The good news is that there are many tools and services that can ease your work. For instance, you can use the online proofreader Grammarly.

Add translation

Do you target both local and global customers? Consider writing captions in two languages: local language and English. If you are fluent in both languages, it will not take you much effort, but the results will be worth it.

Local customers will appreciate the fact that you talk to them in their native language. They will reward you with higher engagement and loyalty.


Talk about charity

Mintel’s study shows that 73% of Americans consider companies’ charitable work when making a purchase. So if your company is involved in some kind of charity project, you should talk about it on social media. It will help you to increase brand loyalty and double sales.

Big and small brands share information about their volunteering experience with their followers – it’s a common practice. So if you have never written about the charity organizations you support, it’s time to do it right now.

Are you thinking about launching a viral marketing campaign? You can use the same strategy that Reebok has recently used. Promise to donate a few bucks to a charity organization per every retweet, and your followers will be happy to support your initiative.


Need help with implementing a viral marketing strategy? Use Sociamonials, social media marketing software. Start a free trial today, and get your sales to the next level.

Wrapping it up

Your followers are almost ready to become your customers. They are waiting for the extra push of encouragement to buy.

Use your writing skills to convince your prospective customers to make the first purchase. Apply these eight tips to create remarkable social media content and turn your followers into customers.


Five Key Elements of a Successful Social Media Campaign in 2021


People are using social media more and more each day to make their businesses grow.


However, to achieve all you’re dreaming of, it’s important you create social media campaigns. To do this, you’ll need to know a few things.


In this article, we will discuss some key elements of a successful social media campaign. Although we won’t solve all your doubts, we can help you start. Let’s go!


  1. You give people a sneak peek into what you do


Everyone loves to feel special.


When you interact with your followers, if you give them a sneak peek into your business, they’ll love it.


It’s likely they’ll comment on your post, interact with it, share it or even become your customers after that.


The fact is that people love feeling like they trust someone else. Thus, if you share exclusive insight on your way of doing things, they’ll feel good.


  1. You’re consistent


One of the most important things to consider when you’re making a social media strategy is to post consistently.


If you check out successful social media accounts, they have many posts. Excepting famous figures, people who want to succeed at Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and other platforms need to post regularly.


To achieve this, make sure you have a good strategy. We’ll discuss that next.


  1. You have a good strategy


A key factor to have a successful social media campaign is not only to have a strategy but a good one.


To create a good strategy, you need to do some research on the platforms you’ll use. Depending on that information, you can decide how many times you’ll post per week.


Thus, you can make a content schedule. After that, you can start creating your posts in advance so you’ll be prepared each time you have to publish them.


A good strategy isn’t just posting, though. It’s also understanding how analytics work - that way, when you look at the numbers, you can decide what went wrong.


  1. You respond to your interactions


If you want to have successful social media campaigns, you need to be active on the platforms you use.


This includes two things: posting and interacting.


To make sure your social media accounts succeed, you’ll need to post regularly but also respond to your followers’ interactions. Therefore, every time they comment, you need to respond kindly.


This can be tricky if they leave a bad comment. However, try to respond the best way you can.


  1. You promote your campaign and follow up


An important aspect of a successful social media campaign is to promote it.


Nonetheless, besides promoting it, you also need to follow up on the promotion to evaluate whether it worked or not.


If it’s necessary, you have to follow up on the promotion so you understand what worked and what didn’t. Maybe you could improve the design next time, or the specific settings on who you’re showing it.


Final thoughts


Creating a social media campaign can be very helpful if you know how to do it correctly. However, you need to learn some things to succeed.


To create a successful social media campaign, you need to have a strategy, be consistent on your social media, respond to people’s comments and much more.


If you think you can do it, we’re sure that with our five tips, you’ll be on your way!

How COVID-19 pandemic has affected social media marketing


The coronavirus pandemic has not only affected the daily routine of people and the economy of the world's most powerful nations, but it has also had a great impact on social media. For that reason, marketers have had to go to great lengths to find the right ways to do their jobs.

The changes and obstacles have been numerous. Now, social media marketers must adapt to often tight budgets and must modify all their strategies to suit an audience full of customers experiencing a lockdown. But not everything is negative.

More time on social networks.

Spending more time at home usually means using the phone longer and checking social media more often. Due to restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus, people do not go out to work or meet their friends. Therefore, they turn to technology for connection.

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok became even more popular in many ways. Also, studies show that the use of social media platforms will continue to a similar degree in the near future, even after the pandemic.

Marketers can take advantage of this behavior and provide valuable content with a social approach that allows people to find what they are looking for and spend more time online connected with brands and companies. This is quite an interesting twist on your usual plans.

Ad? Everywhere!

Advertising on social media was also positively impacted by the pandemic. In addition to having great influencers promoting products and services, authority and emerging companies began to use platform ads more strongly.

Although many initially canceled their marketing campaigns, the ads got back on track and achieved surprising data. According to Mobile Marketer, for example, engagement with mobile ads grew 15%.

Most popular influencers.

During the lockdown, there was also an increase in social media users' connections with influencers. Users began to interact with the most famous people's content on social media.

Marketers also had to change some of their tactics to include influencers in their campaigns or create similar content to make users connect with the brand or company they work for.

Online shopping explosion.

Another aspect that revolutionized digital marketing was online shopping. Shoppers started purchasing their items from online stores, as most of the physical ones were forced to close.

The different social media platforms have adapted their interface to connect brand and company accounts to their commercial websites. Marketers who have taken advantage of these tools have achieved conversion rates never seen before.

COVID-19 changed the way people view, understand, and use the Internet. Therefore, the importance of social media marketing has increased, and marketers are working hard to take advantage of all the benefits that it brings.

TikTok: The social media platform that grows amid the pandemic


COVID-19 pandemic has become a major obstacle for many brands and companies. However, for others, it has represented an opportunity to emerge. An example of this is TikTok, a social media platform that opens the way to new talents, allowing brands and companies to obtain effective results through content creators.

The pandemic for reference.

No one can look back at 2020 without mentioning the coronavirus pandemic. This event has completely transformed our lifestyle and led us to change our customs, including socializing, working, and even shopping.

Consequently, social media has taken the leading role. Although we already used to spend some hours of the day using its platforms, the lockdown considerably increased the time we spend browsing the Internet and using our smartphones looking for some way to get fun or connect with other people. This also left us with an unprecedented number of content creators.

All social media platforms experienced changes and a wave of users with more time available to take advantage of them. However, there is always a protagonist, and this time it is TikTok.

Impressive numbers.

According to Sensor Tower data, TikTok was downloaded more than two billion times worldwide during the first quarter of 2020 on both Android and IOS. Besides, its study pointed out that this increase is intrinsically related to the pandemic. Shortly after it was enacted, TikTok rebounded in popularity, garnering more downloads than any other app.

New talents.

With the popularity of TikTok, “TikTokers” also emerged, and this also revolutionized social media, not only in the way people use it but also in how brands and companies do digital marketing.

There are users who have gained so much fame within the platform that they now have millionaire contracts with brands worldwide. Additionally, many marketing companies have included the “TikTokers” category in their specialist lists to help companies boost their products or services through content on TikTok.


China, the United States, and India are the countries where more users are using TikTok, reaching almost 10% of the total downloads. This social media platform's popularity in its main cities has been so big that almost all local and international businesses and brands (with operations there) are implementing advertising strategies based on their particular video content.

Relevant information about the pandemic.

Various organizations and even presidents have joined TikTok in the midst of their efforts to help the population stay informed about the coronavirus situation. In August, a study showed that a group of 117 videos, many of which were created by the World Health Organization, were viewed 1 billion times.

Most of them focused on issues such as anxiety and emotional challenges that people can experience during the quarantine.

The reason behind its popularity.

TikTok is a cool and jovial app that users can have fun with. However, what has allowed it to gain popularity is its content approach. Contrary to other social networks, TikTok promotes the content instead of the authors, so more and more people feel motivated and confident to use it.